
4 Essential Skills for Selling Cars

May 25, 2023

Purchasing a vehicle is a big commitment and can be a difficult decision. Customers want to feel confident as they browse and consider—and it all starts with trust. A good salesperson can facilitate a customer’s journey from beginning their search to that momentous drive off the lot. An average salesperson may get a sale, but an effective salesperson goes beyond closing the deal to build the dealership’s brand and reputation, increasing the likelihood of earning repeat customers. Below are some helpful car sales tips for taking your skills to the next level. 

How to Be Successful in Car Sales

1. Understand Your Customer

A successful sale hinges on your ability to anticipate what the customer needs and wants. Talking to a customer helps you tailor the sales experience to their preferences and expectations. Car buyers often walk into a dealership with a general idea of what they’re looking for, so it’s important to ask thoughtful questions during your conversation to get them to provide more detail. Even if they don’t have specific make and model preferences, they will have a list of must-have features and a budget. Gathering these key pieces of information makes it easier to match the customer to the right vehicle.

Plan to listen more than you talk and be aware of details that tell you how the customer will be using the vehicle primarily and whether they’ll require it for special uses, such as off-road driving. These details can pop up throughout the conversation, so it’s worth taking the time to learn about your customer’s personality and lifestyle. This information helps you go beyond the basic checklist to introduce new options the customer may not have been considering1.

If they’re looking for a vehicle that can handle rougher terrain, for example, you may be able to interest them in new features, like dynamic suspension systems, navigation systems, or specialized tire packages. You may also be able to introduce the customer to makes and models they are unfamiliar with, but that meet their criteria.

2. Practice Patience and Professionalism

A car is a significant investment that requires financing, so consumers want to be certain they are making the right choice. Being too aggressive with the sale can make customers feel forced into a decision, which is off-putting. Instead, practice patience when showing multiple options, answering questions, and addressing any concerns the customer might have. Try to mirror their energy level so the conversation flows more naturally and centers on their best interests2. This gives them room to process their decision while also providing opportunities to build trust.

Answering questions knowledgeably helps the customer feel they’re getting accurate information to base their decision on. It also helps to do so in a friendly and professional manner, focusing on genuine interactions with the customer, sales team, and any third parties involved.

3. Know that Presentation Matters

Customers pick up on all sorts of non-verbal cues when deciding whether to purchase a vehicle from a particular dealership. Your sales desk, showroom floor, and personal presentation are reflections of how you treat your business dealings and the buyer’s future vehicle. Keeping workspaces clean and orderly puts your best face forward and tells consumers that their salesperson pays attention to every detail and makes sure cars are well taken care of.

Another way to build trust is to be honest with customers. Don’t be tempted to give overly optimistic estimates of delivery and processing times or costs when you know they’re not accurate. Being upfront with customers about a vehicle’s history or stating realistic negatives about certain features helps build trust, ultimately leading to a customer who feels comfortable making a purchase and possibly returning in the future3.

4. Plant Seeds That Grow

Closing a sale should be treated as the start of a journey, not the end. Every sales experience is an opportunity to create more customers and nurture those relationships so they become repeat customers.

Positive interactions make buyers want to reach out to you and your dealership first when shopping for their next vehicle. They’re also more likely to recommend you to friends and family members who are looking for a vehicle. After closing a sale, follow up with the buyer within a couple of weeks to learn about their experience with the vehicle and get their thoughts on working with your dealership¹. Creating incentive programs for customer referrals can be beneficial as well. 

The sales pitch is just one small part of running a successful dealership. Where else is your customer base interacting with your business? Remember that your web presence and social media can also help drive foot traffic and promote quality customer relationships.


  1. Car Sales Psychology - 11 Tips and Tricks to Sell Better. Modera Ltd. Retrieved on March 22, 2023, from
  2. 12 Secrets How Car Salesman Training Tips Create Dealership Buzz. CyberLead, Inc. Retrieved on March 22, 2023, from
  3. 10 Car Salesman Training Tips That Create an Engaging Car Lot. AutoRaptor. Retrieved on March 22, 2023, from
  4. How to Get More Customers as a Car Salesperson. Worth Advertising Group. Retrieved on March 22, 2023, from