
America Loves Trucks!

June 26, 2020

This week with the shortages of both new and used trucks and the debut of the new Ford F-150 with exciting feature additions, there have been a slew of interesting facts out this week about trucks. Ford released a study that shows just how much truck love there is out there, with a majority of people willing to give up their streaming service, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee for a full year rather than give up their truck. And a sizable minority would give up even more.


They don't share racial diversity, but I was surprised by the strong range of ages and gender diversity and the incredible thirty-eight percent market share of the Ford brand across the total truck market.


From a revenue perspective, the numbers are enormous as well. The F-150 franchise is so dominant that the F-Series line of trucks:

  • Supports roughly half a million jobs
  • Contributes $49 billion annually to U.S. gross domestic product
  • Delivers $42 billion in revenue, which ranks not far below Apple Inc.'s iPhone among the biggest U.S. consumer products and is larger than the revenue generation of the professional sports juggernaut of the NHL, NFL, MLB, and NBA combined
  • Viewed as its own company, the F-Series would be a Fortune 100 company larger than McDonald's, Nike, Coca-Cola Co. and Starbucks

Source: Detroit News

And none of this dominance even mentions the cultural influence and the wide range of country music that would not be possible without pickups!

Thanks to Phinehas Adams for the great image for the header of this article and to Erik McLean, Dylan Fout, Juli Kosolap, Neonbrand, Carol Reis and Caleb White the awesome photographers from for supporting images.

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