
Are you Properly Equipped for Automotive Advertising in the Digital World?

February 3, 2021

When it comes to advertising your vehicles, there is a right way and a wrong way. It is up to you to use technology properly to more efficiently engage with potential customers. As it exists, digital retailing is more than just a growing trend. Consumers know what they want to see and learn about vehicles. They desire a 360-degree view of the vehicle, accurate photos, and all the included packages. If you aren’t utilizing a merchandising software backed by a rich data platform that automates vehicle listings, then you risk losing traffic to your lot.

Accomplishing this might sound difficult. But it’s not. In fact, it couldn’t be simpler. Any dealership can get their advertising game in line, but they need to first stop doing things the old fashioned way. Think about it like this. Consumer expectations in the digital environment have never been higher. The stakes have been raised for every shopper, every vehicle, and every transaction. Especially critical for automotive retail, the delivery of experiences during the buying process needs to take a digital-first approach. A strong need exists for dealers to create compelling listings through effective vehicle promotion and online merchandising.

Once you have accepted that as truth, it’s time to take the first step toward properly advertising your inventory for the digital consumer. Like so many technology-based solutions, success begins with data. Having extensive and quality data is of the utmost importance. But not just any data will do. If you are struggling with attracting potential customers to your lot through your ads, chances are you are utilizing lackluster data. Instead, get your data by monitoring millions of vehicles for sale by dealers across the country every single day. Data of this caliber is more easily leveraged to automate listings and actually attract customers.

Let technology make your life easier, not more hectic. A truly modern platform rightsized to fit your actual needs will keep data consistent across all systems. Staying efficient is critical, so keeping all of your vehicle information in harmony across third-party sites, CRM systems, and DMS systems is an absolute must. With a proper tool for your ads, you get write back capabilities between systems. This means changes made in one area are reflected everywhere to streamline your work. No more double tasks. From there, you can easily syndicate vehicle listings to hundreds of sites, including CarGurus, AutoTrader, and But that’s not all. You now have the power to generate clean data feeds to Facebook, Craigslist, YouTube, and eBay in order to extend your reach even further.

A whole wide world of digital possibilities is at your fingertips. Your competition and your customers both know this. It’s time to take things to the next level by offering all the details shoppers need to fuel their decisions. Doing so provides more visibility for consumers and provides an opportunity to shop beyond simple make and model. The customer experience is enhanced and your store will certainly benefit.

Knowledge is power. The devil is in the details. Data is king. However you want to spin it, by using a subpar system for your ads and syndication, you are harming your dealership, your staff, and your customers. Step into the modern age of advertising your inventory with a system that goes beyond slick. With MAX Ad & Syndication, you get a true software solution that delivers more engagement than the average VDP. Schedule your free demo today and learn how this automotive advertising tool can help your dealership.