
Building Confidence for Successful Coaching on your Lot

March 16, 2021

When it comes to your lot, confidence is critical. Confidence is so important to your store that it should be mandatory. But it’s not that easy, is it? Maintaining a sense of pride and direction allows you to distill a new level of understanding and purpose for your employees. Specifically for the sales staff, an unmatched level of confidence makes the difference between a solid lot and a stellar one. So, how are you building confidence across your team?

One of the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis is battling the knowledge gap between salespeople and consumers. The customer is doing a lot of research before they even come to you. In fact, the majority of customers purchase the car they picked out online when they visit a dealership. That means your staff needs to be knowledgeable, intuitive, and confident. Getting there is no easy task. However, there are tools available to help bridge the gap between underperforming and successful sales.

Starting with the knowledge base, empower your salespeople by providing them with the solutions necessary to engage with customers. A digital showroom is an excellent way to put your salesforce in the driver’s seat and build their confidence. Having a digital showroom allows you to simply scan and share market value comparisons, full equipment details, vehicle history reports, certification information, and more. It will inspire confidence in your staff because all of the information they get will be powered by the best data available.

Another area where your staff may need a boost of confidence is the trade-in and appraisal process. Here, there are tools available to elevate the transparency of how you evaluate the customer’s vehicle. As there will be many questions and concerns during this, your employees need to be as confident as possible. Make trade-ins a win-win scenario with a solution that addresses customer needs while empowering your staff. Help your staff’s confidence by supplying the insights necessary to deliver the best deal possible on each vehicle. You hold more gross while your customer wins on the transaction. That’s a recipe for confidence all around.

A third area to improve the confidence of your staff is through sales enablement. This process empowers your salespeople by providing tools that can help them successfully sell smarter during every customer interaction. Your customers will respond positively when your staff can answer any question asked. There are a variety of solutions available for you to move towards a sales enablement environment. Doing so will give your staff the increase of confidence they need.

Confidence plays an important role in automotive retail. As digital retailing continues to grow, the customer will come on to your lot more informed than ever before. You simply cannot have your team second-guessing their knowledge, data, or information. Elevate your staff to a new level by enabling them to be the best they can be. Coach your team and instill confidence in their ability to be superstars. MAX Digital is here to help you boost the confidence of your team. Schedule a free consultation and discover what solutions are available to help your staff perform at their best.