
Create a Magical Customer Experience at your Dealership With Advanced Technology

June 28, 2022

There is a direct correlation between the customer experience and the success of a dealership. What you do today impacts the consumer journey tomorrow. As a result, you need to be steadfast in how you create experiences and nurture relationships. Technology exists as a bridge between you and your customers. Don’t underestimate the power of next-generation solutions on your lot.

If you use the wrong tools, you risk isolating consumers while receiving a potentially negative reputation. This is the last place you want to be. But here’s the thing: Customer experience isn’t just some parlor trick. And while there is magic lingering in the air, it’s up to you to capture lightning in a bottle for your dealership. How do you do this? It all starts with processes and solutions.

Simply put, the technology tools that you utilize on your lot make a difference in the customer experience. And remember, the consumer journey will pay dividends down the road. So don’t ignore it or misjudge it. Instead, prepare every touchpoint that a consumer will encounter to be a robust representation of your lot. Embed solutions that reduce friction points and empower customers to have the journey that they deserve.

Everything from how you acquire your inventory to how you merchandise it impacts how the customer engages with your lot. Starting with the appraisal process, utilize an approach that offers transparency and trust. Put the consumer in the driver’s seat with a process that empowers them to understand the reasons behind the valuation you give their vehicle. Take guessing out of the equation. It might seem simple to you, but in doing so, you create an experience the consumer has never encountered before.

From there, the customer journey begins to unfold in exciting ways. Trust is created between your staff and the consumer. As a result, new conversations can take place that allows you to continue to build the relationship and generate repeat business. You want to deliver value in everything you do. So, incorporating a digital showroom allows you to help the consumer better understand the vehicles they are shopping for. Whether it be online or in-person, your staff needs to have a full understanding of each piece of inventory on your lot. Empower them to be product experts and give them the knowledge they need to fully understand your vehicles. This is a game-changer for consumers who will definitely notice the increased attention to detail.

But selling cars is about so much more than just your team moving inventory. You have to make sure it is merchandised correctly and syndicated in a way that consumers can easily shop your lot. Using the same mentality as empowering your staff, capture as many details as possible in your ads. Automate packages and trim levels in a way that makes the car the star. Stand out in a crowded marketplace and show that your dealership is the place to shop. There are so many opportunities for you to elevate your store to the next level. Pay attention to what’s going on in the industry around you and bring in proactive technology solutions. You’ll move from surviving to thriving in no time.

At the end of the day, consumers only care about a few things while shopping. One existing friction point that will always linger for customers is price. That’s why it’s up to you to go beyond waving a magic wand to land on final costs. The days of racing to the bottom are gone. But you still have to price competitively. The difference is that you can now do that based on actual data. Discover the true value of your inventory and provide pricing proof points to the customer. You don’t have to rely on your guy. Rather, data provides a bridge that will help you manage your inventory and price it at the best amount possible. There is no more bait and switch, and consumers will appreciate the straightforward manner in which you provide transparency into pricing.

The customer experience extends beyond your lot and includes all of your social and digital touchpoints. Take the time to integrate technology that amplifies your efforts to elevate the journey of today’s consumers. Everything from how you advertise your lot to how your sales team interacts with customers will have an impact on the overall experience. Examine your processes and create opportunities to streamline the path to purchase. Accomplishing this means changing your mindset, as well as meeting customers where they are.

Navigating uncharted territory may seem a tad overwhelming. There are so many aspects of the automotive retail industry that are the same as they’ve ever been. But at the same time, the way consumers shop is evolving. And so too must dealerships. There are a lot of technologies out there, but you need a partner that is capable of providing you with a roadmap that illustrates where you are today and where you need to be tomorrow. The customer experience will always remain important. That’s why you must bring in proactive solutions for your dealership.

Much like the world of magic, MAX Digital is capable of bringing new and inventive solutions to your dealership to wow your customers. Being innovative means breaking the mold, and here at MAX Digital, we do that on a daily basis. We want to help you reach your operational goals to sell more vehicles at the best price possible. Want to find out how? Schedule your consultation today.