
Dealer Sales Processes: How the Internet Changed Everything

August 3, 2018

Car buying starts online. That’s the way it is now. Consumers use the internet to gather information and research vehicles — from trims and features to specs and price — before they even arrive at your dealership.

How should your sales people compensate for this shift, connect with consumers, and successfully make sales?

At MAXDigital, we offer marketing and management solutions to help your dealership keep up with progressive car buying trends and adjust your dealer sales process to meet consumers in the middle. We can put your dealership ahead of the game and equip you with the tools to build trust with customers and make productive sales.

The Enhanced Dealer Sales Process

Browsing Online

Online car shoppers have access to tons of information and car listings, and they reach these from countless different websites. How do you make your website stand out from the competition?

The MAXDigital Automotive Merchandising Platform offers dealership sales tools that improve your dealership’s presence online so consumers see your vehicles and are drawn to your dealership.

One of our tools, MAX Ad, creates relevant, digestible ads and sends them to more than 200 third party websites. You can also use the MAX Mobile Webloader to keep all of your listings up to date with the most current photos of your inventory. Finally, optimize your window stickers with MAX Ad Window Stickers. You can keep the information on your cars current for Sunday shoppers and even provide those customers with a link to your site.

When car shoppers are led to your website, MAX For Website will keep them there thanks to our enhanced vehicle display pages (VDPs). These pages are designed to show all the information someone would need to know about a car in order to make an educated decision.

Visiting the Dealership

After researching online, consumers enter your dealership with a great deal of knowledge — so much so that they might decide to challenge your sales people.

The MAX Path to Purchase System gives your sales team everything they need to adapt to the new dealer sales process. You can give customers what they expect from every transaction today: transparency, expertise, and convenience.

With these strategies, your sales team will provide consumers with a streamlined car buying experience. And by providing your sales team with the resources for success, you can reduce dealership employee turnover and ensure that they create lasting relationships with your customer base.

Closing a Sale

When your sales associates are equipped with MAX Digital Showroom, they have quick access to vehicle information — model specs, option packages, and more — that will help them validate the price of any car on your lot. That way, they can answer questions and build trust so your customer knows they’re getting the best possible deal.

Adjust Your Dealer Sales Process With MAXDigital

Are you looking to modify your dealership’s sales process? Call (888) 841-0884 to learn more or schedule a demonstration of our digital solutions. You can also contact us online if you have any questions.