
Digital Dealer and DrivingSales Executive Summit Themes

October 23, 2015

With back to back shows in Las Vegas, a common theme that prevailed was customer experience. In a world that is constantly changing and with a rise of the internet age, it’s essential that dealers adapt their sales processes to match a customer’s expectations, both online and on the lot.

At DrivingSales Executive Summit, CEO Jared Hamilton discussed how consumers want their shopping experience to be as transparent as possible. If a dealership is not adjusting their sales process with that belief in mind, they will lose customers to a competitor down the road who is selling on trust and transparency. The CEO of DrivingSales explained making this part of your sales strategy, you can expect higher close rates and retain customers.

Like Hamilton stated, I shared a similar view at Digital Dealer. During my speaking engagement, I spoke about our annual research studies that show consumers are more likely to buy vehicles based on quality and value at a fair price than a vehicle with a low price. By easily and transparently allowing customers to see the value of a car, they will be able to place emotional value, which holds much more weight than price.

Customers today want product expert’s not sales people. Throughout each stage of the customer buying experience, car shoppers are expecting information that justifies the price, not beat the price. Sales experts understand that when you offer transparency you gain trust. Trust gains sales.

At both conferences, I learned and networked with a lot of different great dealers and vendors. I understand that every business is different and what works for one, may not work for the other. However, there is one technique that can work for everyone – and that’s making a transparent shopping experience part of your sales process.