
Exceed Customer Expectations By Going the Extra Mile

January 20, 2022

When it comes to being successful in the automotive retail world, you need to go the extra mile. The days of sitting back and letting foot traffic dictate dealership health are gone. But going the extra mile is more than simply putting in more effort. It includes a robust ecosystem of solutions that elevate your lot above your competition. It’s improving the overall customer experience. It’s creating a seamless approach for trade-in and appraisals. It is all of these things and more. And it isn’t something that you need to do alone. One way to go the extra mile is by putting together a technology roadmap and investing in solutions that shorten the customer’s journey. You will acquire more vehicles, which you can then sell faster at a higher gross…all while creating a better experience that improves loyalty and retention rates.

Sounds good, right? But seeing is believing. With so many technology solutions on the market, the automotive retail industry is poised for improvement. You see, many customers have a preconceived notion about the shopping experience. Years of stereotypes have sullied your reputation before a consumer even reaches your lot. Expectations are all over the board. So, it is up to you and your staff to go the extra mile and give the customer something they will remember. That’s why it is so important that you integrate technologies that defy expectations and go beyond simply selling cars.

Even before someone comes on your lot, you need to be thinking about the customer experience. Digital touchpoints are critical for your dealership to start frank discussions about which vehicle is best suited for their needs. Your social media properties need to be up to date and dynamic. You need to properly illustrate the inventory you have, while also enticing the customer to bring in their vehicle for an appraisal. Help the consumer out at the beginning by writing your ads with them in mind. Everything from what packages are included to clean photos make a difference in getting traffic to your lot. This is fueled by leveraging clean data. Go the extra mile and provide shoppers with the digital experience they deserve.

It doesn’t stop there. When the consumer does come to your dealership, your staff needs to be prepared to be product experts. It doesn’t matter the brand of vehicle, every member of your team needs to be able to speak about the features and benefits of any car on your lot. Go above and beyond to exceed expectations by integrating a solution for a digital showroom. Here, you gain an emerging technology tool that establishes trust and builds true value. You go the extra mile by being transparent to your customers by providing tangible touchpoints that your salespeople can quickly share across a variety of devices.

Finally, you need to incorporate a solution that will really wow customers during the trade-in process. Acknowledge that you are here to provide a low-stress environment. From how you appraise the vehicle to how you explain your methodology to the seller, you need to be honest and accurate. Impressing them with your ability to deliver a collaborative experience can raise your closing rates, maximize earnings, and ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction. This is how you build loyalty and create lasting relationships.

Consider how you interact with consumers digitally and physically. As retail continues to evolve into a truly hybrid experience, you need to go the extra mile and bridge the gap between your goals and consumer expectations. Create dynamic touchpoints that offer more to the shopping experience. Train your staff to be product experts. Turn the trade-in and appraisal process into an engaging event. The key is to anticipate the needs of your customers and solve their problems before they even vocalize them. Find new ways to go above and beyond. You’ll be successful in acquiring inventory, as well as turning vehicles around quickly at the highest gross possible.

None of this has to be a guessing game. MAX Digital brings the best data available to help you go the extra mile. With solutions for automating the ad writing process, creating a digital showroom that turns your staff into instant product experts, and delivering the most transparent trade-in process available, MAX Digital is capable of elevating your dealership to the next level. Schedule your demo today and learn how MAX Digital’s next-generation technologies can help you be successful.