
How Conferences Can Refine Your Digital Marketing Strategy

January 14, 2016

Novice. Intermediary. Expert. No matter your level of experience with digital marketing, attending professional conferences—such as Digital Dealer—can help refine your online strategies. This helps optimize your online visibility, lending your dealership greater authority to lead in your market. Education at these events comes both formally and informally through attending seminars as well as mingling with other industry leaders.

With Digital Dealer 20 in Orlando, Florida, just mere days away, it serves as an excellent example for the benefits gained from participating at a professional conference and exposition such as this. Thousands of people will converge in the Sunshine State to learn from dozens of sessions and workshops presented by thought leaders within this industry.

This means General Managers, Social Media Managers, Internet Managers, and brand specialists can glean some sort of knowledge that can be transformed into actionable strategies for your business. Topics often include:

  • Data and Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Mobile
  • Social Media

Google Analytics.

Do you use it? Or have you set up spam filters? Do you know how to generate reports that illustrate origins of traffic, bounce rate, conversions, and more?

Sessions can teach you how best to utilize this tool (installed on more than 10 million websites) and integrate it with other resources you can use that will afford you accurate, comprehensive insight for guiding digital efforts—because you actually get to see what’s working and what’s not.

Digital Marketing.

Do you have a content strategy? A blog? Are there tools you use to reach new customers?

You can also get insight about strategizing your content. Learn what it takes to set up a blog, discover the potential of WordPress, learn about resources that automatically generate specific content—and it’s always evolving. Changing.


Is your site dynamic? Do your tools and apps transfer for mobile usage? Are your tools helpful for mobile shoppers? Do your brand specialists text customers?

More than 85% of all millennial parents use mobile to help them shop. And that percentage is not likely to decrease. You can explore new trends for reaching customers through mobile devices, as well as new software that delivers information in a dynamic capacity to be user-friendly for both desktop and mobile users.


Is your site properly SEO’d? Does your website content have the proper keywords and synonymous terms in the correct places? How about your blog? Are your meta titles and descriptions optimized?

A place like Digital Dealer offers plenty of sessions with thought leaders who can guide you to appropriate and complete implementation of search engine optimization strategy. Learn more SEO tips. And start on the path to win in your market.

Social Media.

Are you leveraging your social media accounts correctly? Are you having genuine discussions with customers and potential customers? Have you built your authority?

Acquire knowledge about how to appropriately use every social media platform. Facebook has a different approach than Twitter, and both have a different approach than Instagram or SnapChat. But they all share one important commonality: content and brand distribution.

So How Do These Affect Automotive Dealerships?

Advancing technology has had the same profound effect for auto dealerships as any other business: the dynamics have changed.

  1. Customers are “showrooming” to see what deals they can find at other dealerships while in your brick-and-mortar building
  2. Being a salesperson no longer cuts it because customers want product experts, so you need to be equipped with tools that help your staff.
  3. On average, a consumer will visit three stores before making a purchase, which is commingled with continual online shopping. Retargeting ads, robust content, and other strategies can help keep them thinking of you.

Attending a conference like Digital Dealer will help better prepare you to stay ahead of the curve with these trends. You’ll learn about strategies, tools, trends, solutions, and changes that will make you more adept at making the right decisions at the right time.

Enjoy greater inventory turnover in shorter periods of time. Connect shoppers with both new and pre-owned cars, trucks, and SUVs.

And, most importantly, find a way to avoid the pitfall of reduced gross profit margins.