
How to Prepare for Success as Autumn is Calling

September 6, 2022

Summer is quickly coming to an end. True, it seems we were just getting ready for the summer months to bring the heat and now we are winding down with autumn being nearly upon us. The last few months brought us some new ups and downs. There were moments when we saw triumphs in our industry and other spots that brought struggles. The summer months are traditionally difficult, but that doesn't mean that we didn't thrive at moments as an industry. As we walk into the next season, it's important to discuss a few options about how to be successful as the end of the year approaches. First, it's important to realize that inventory continues to be tight. As the next buying season swings into gear, it's more important than ever that you stock your lot. But here's the thing…you can't stock just anything. You need the core cars that consumers are shopping for at your lot. Give them the right options, but take the guesswork out of it. Leverage advanced data to learn which vehicles are best for your lot and put your technology to work to secure those pieces. Now isn't the time to simply go with your gut. Instead, pair your instincts with data to elevate your possibilities.After you secure your core vehicles, you'll need to move them. Thankfully, selling isn't difficult right now. But that's not an excuse to leave the customer experience in the rearview mirror. Think of your dealership in terms of a car. You have your mirrors and your windshield. Take note of what's around you, but never discount the value of the shopper's journey. This is your moment to not just sell today, but to create a customer for years to come. On top of that, the more dedicated your process, the higher the chances of getting positive reviews, as well as receiving that ever-valuable recommendation from the buyer to their friends and family. Finally, it's important that think in terms of the future. As inventory becomes more readily available, there will likely be a shift in pricing. This will alter the shopping habits of consumers. So, it's up to you to be as prepared as possible. Take stock of the technology tools you are incorporating and scale up as necessary. If you are using an older or bloated solution for inventory management, now is the time to upgrade to a quicker, more elegant provider. At the end of the day, you need to be ready for tomorrow. The future holds mysteries, but you have the key to being as prepared as possible to succeed.Selling seasons are cyclical. So we know what to prepare for in the upcoming months. This means we need to be vigilant in how we approach autumn. Set yourself up for success today by examining your processes. Don't let the past scare you, but don't be afraid of what the future holds. In all things automotive, the more we can learn and rely on data, the stronger we will be down the road.While you focus on the continued building of your brand, get on the path to winning by implementing next-generation tools. As the weather cools, concentrate on giving your customers options that are difference makers. Rely on the right data to source inventory, and turn the autumn months into a red hot selling season. Securing vehicles, leveraging data, and improving the customer experience doesn't have to be a chore. Level up your dealership this fall by partnering with providers who understand your business. With a vast array of solutions available, MAX Digital can get your lot prepared for success.