
It's never too late to start buying cars from consumers

February 23, 2022

It was not until I was 45 years old that I decided I wanted to run a Triathlon. I spent my years as a kid participating in mostly team sports. Soccer, basketball, baseball. I knew that at my age, I needed to keep busy. The pick-up games down at the “Y” were just not cutting it. So, I decided to swim, bike, and run to keep myself active. I’m no elite athlete by any means. But my buddies in the neighborhood were participating in races on weekends and meeting up for long open water swims and 3-hour bike rides. It was way out of my comfort zone, but I decided to give it a go…at 45 years old.

I’m serious. But how does that relate to the car biz?

Well, I suspect if you are reading this post, you’ve at least tried to purchase cars from the consumer. Maybe you’ve bought the ones you really like or need. Maybe it's been just the nice ones you can get really cheap. If that’s your strategy, I’d say that’s ok. But is ok really good enough? I say this because, over time, you are likely going to get frustrated with your results. And that’s not a good place to be.

Instead, allow me to help you draw out a plan to develop a customer buying center that works for you and your dealership. Not all dealerships are the same. I’m confident that the car buying experience is unique to each dealer and that is what keeps the American consumer coming back for more. As someone once told me, “We never plan to fail, we fail to plan.”

In this series of blog posts and videos, I will walk you through the 5 essential things you need to establish to not be frustrated with your results or efforts with consumer acquisition. You can dive deeper into some and less into others. The point is, make the process your own.  

I will be covering these topics in-depth at this year’s NADA. Be sure to join me at the show. Check out my session, then drop by the booth to see all the cool things we have in store. You can schedule time now.

Let’s get started!