
How Long Will the Good Times Last? Selling in an Increasingly Digital Marketplace

January 12, 2017

Dealerships face a constant struggle to sell in a digital marketplace that continues to grow. The vast majority of consumers research vehicles online before ever stepping foot inside a dealership. On average, they spend 12 hours researching vehicles online, and many times are still researching while in your showroom. This new buying process means it is time to reevaluate and adapt your sales processes to make sure you win over today’s digital consumer. Where to start?

MAXDigital SVP of Strategy and Innovation, Patrick McMullen, will outline how to understand today’s consumer. How do consumers search? How do consumers buy? Can they be separated? Today’s consumers purchase based on a combination of quality and value and consequently want to know they are buying the vehicle at a fair price, but they are not buying based on price alone.

Building trust with your consumers is a crucial step to winning them over and you can only do this by being fully transparent across all information sources.

To hear more from Patrick about how to sell in an increasingly digital marketplace, attend his NADA session:

Thursday, Jan 26


Room: 201-202