
How MAXDigital Tools Strengthen Your Automotive Merchandising Strategy

October 18, 2017

The internet has profoundly changed the way that people shop for cars; shouldn’t it change the way we merchandise cars?

In the past, shoppers made their decision after visiting several dealerships. Modern technology has moved most of the customer decision-making process online. So how can you use the internet to attract customers to your dealership?

MAXDigital offers several tools that can help you build a bulletproof automotive merchandising strategy.

How MAXDigital’s Automotive Merchandising Platform Guides Customers into Your Vehicles

The decision to buy any product doesn’t happen all at once. It is a multi-step process, with opportunities to optimize your merchandising at every step. MAXDigital takes this into account and has developed a tool to help you fortify your merchandising plan.

Stage: Searching

MAXDigital Tool: MAX Ad

At the earliest stage of the process the customer merely knows they need a new car. Your dealership isn’t even on their radar at this point and MAX Ad helps bring it to shopper’s attention.

The typical auto shopper may spend as many as 16.75 hours researching cars on third-party websites like and Auto Trader. MAX Ad puts your vehicles in front of these consumers by distributing ads to over 200 third-party auto websites.

The ads are automatically generated based on your inventory. Each ad is filled with detailed information that answers all common customer questions.

Stage: Considering

MAXDigital Tool: MAX For Website

Once a consumer is brought to your website, your battle isn’t over. They’ll be looking at your VDPs, along with other dealership’s VDPs, to find the exact vehicle they want. In fact, a majority of customers have already narrowed their choice down to one or two cars before they stop in a dealership.

Is your VDP attractive and well organized? Does it show what sets the vehicle apart? If the answer to either question is no, shoppers are likely to move on to another dealership.

MAX for Website helps you optimize your VDP’s to draw in customers. MAX enhanced VDP’s offer detailed vehicle information in a simple and intuitive format. It also provides thorough price justification, letting customers know they’re getting the best deal on your vehicle.

Stage: Buying

MAXDigital Tool: MAX Digital Showroom

So your VDPs did the trick. The customer has decided they want your car and they come into your dealership to buy it. Your merchandising efforts have paid off and you’re in the clear. Right?

Not so fast. At this stage, the customer is going to try to get you to drop the price of your vehicle, and they’re going into the negotiation armed with hours of research. In many cases, the customer knows more about the car than your salesperson.

When salespeople are unable to defend the vehicle’s price, they drop it to make the sale.

The MAX Digital Showroom app arms your sales staff with easy mobile device access to detailed information on every car in your lot. This tool helps each salesperson demonstrate the value of each vehicle and justify the price point, helping them protect your profit margin.

Bring your automotive merchandising strategy into the 21st century. MAX Digital can help you attract customers at every stage of the decision-making process to help your dealership grow. Sign up for a demonstration to learn how MAX can help you.