
Paint a Picture With the Words You Choose to Advertise Your Inventory With

May 16, 2022

In the automotive business, you have to choose your words wisely. How you present your inventory, how you speak to customers, and how you interact with your team…all of these scenarios require you to be as eloquent and verbally purposeful as possible. Especially for how you write your ads, your words need to paint a picture of exactly what kind of vehicle you have on your lot. As consumers engage with your touchpoints, both physical and digital, you will need to connect the dots and color in the lines as best as possible.

Technology solutions exist to streamline this part of the process. But each tool is not created equally. You see, for automotive retail, dealerships need quality partners who they can rely on for technological advancements on their lot. And that’s where next-generation partnerships come into play.

Currently, the used car market is in a volatile position. What’s interesting is that this state is a good thing for dealerships at the moment. As it stands, despite dwindling inventory, dealerships are seeing record grosses. But how do you maintain those numbers? Through proven best practices. Integrating those tactics into your roadmap isn’t difficult, especially when you consider how you are positioning your brand and vehicles.

While it starts with technology, best practices are amplified by human interactions. When it comes to the words you use on your lot, put your best foot forward. Leverage the different solutions available that allow you to connect with consumers by speaking their language emotionally. Go beyond generic and speak with authority and confidence at your dealership and online. But how is this accomplished?

As already mentioned, descriptions will make or break the trajectory of someone coming onto your lot to shop your inventory. As they read your ads, the consumer is going to want to get every piece of information possible. Data is your friend here, and having clean feeds will help automate the process and deliver the exact intel that you need on make, model, and packages. How you position these ads will also draw more attention to your dealership. Color a full picture of what the vehicle looks like in one fell swoop with a proper solution for your ads and syndication.

When you create vehicle descriptions for your dealership, you’ll want to keep in mind how consumers will be shopping for vehicles. Having more information about your inventory means that your descriptions will be more SEO-friendly. This is a key component in being competitive across digital touchpoints. You need to be as discoverable as possible, but also be clear and concise for ease of understanding. Emphasize what you have and make the searchability of your inventory as simple as possible.

On top of that, dealers need a set-up that is easy to understand and straightforward to use. A solution to automate ads means that you spend less time with manual labor and have more time to streamline processes on your lot to make you more efficient. Implement a system that is consistent across all of your other processes and creates more opportunities for you to sell vehicles and improve the customer experience.

Writing ads needs to be a straightforward process that adds color to the shopping experience. Consumers are more knowledgeable than ever before. As a result, they are going to want your ads to be as informative as possible. On top of that, your ads need to be discoverable and tangible. Customers need to be able to understand every aspect of the car. Don’t let them meander about with questions. Answer them before they even ask.

Ad writing is an integral part of your dealership. Be as vibrant and thorough as possible. This makes your inventory searchable across digital platforms while providing color that addresses consumers' wants and needs. Paint a picture with your words and be as bright as possible. Select a solution that actually helps your dealership win consumers, not hinder your team with excess menial tasks.

Picking a solution for ads and syndication is simple. MAX Digital is capable of delivering a next-generation experience on your lot. From writing ads to improving your SEO, MAX Ad brings possibilities to your dealership that no other partner can. Bring your inventory to life and shine a light on your lot with MAX Digital. Ready to learn how? Schedule your consultation today and get on the path to more robust descriptions today!