
Say Hello to the Tech Savvy Salesperson

January 26, 2022

Technology is more than just a passing fad. It molds and changes us as individuals and a society. From how we work to how we entertain ourselves, technology has become both friend and foe. Specifically for the automotive retail industry, new solutions have emerged as an olive branch between dealerships and consumers. Gone are the days of mistrusting or sneaky salespeople. Modern dealerships are about empowering their staff to provide the best customer experience possible. Digital touchpoints have evolved the shopping journey. As a result, the modern dealership needs to push to be more technologically advanced. Data may be the backbone of your business, but your team is the heart.

Start by integrating solutions that work proactively for both the customer and the salesperson. The easier it is for you, the easier it will be for them. Today’s shopping experience typically starts from the comfort of the consumer’s home. And while it usually still ends on your lot, it is important to have a hybrid approach to selling. Empower your sales staff with the tools needed to approach customers where they are. Digital marketing is your friend here. Deploy tactics that go beyond traditional methods and let your website, social media properties, and Google My Business page assist your team to get sales.

When a shopper does come on to your lot, it is critical that your salespeople are product experts on new and used inventory. Especially with supply shortages, your team will be relying on used vehicles to make sales. In that regard, every salesperson would benefit from a solution that puts the power of information into the palm of their hand. A digital showroom allows your staff to get facts instantly about inventory. This puts your team in a place that not only benefits them as salespeople, but also allows them to positively influence the customer experience.

There are a lot of technology options on the market for auto dealerships. It’s up to you to sift through the contenders and decide what’s right for your lot. Your team is already accustomed to using a variety of digital tools to work online. With the adoption of more cutting edge solutions, your dealership will likely need to advance training methodologies and upskill employees to keep pace with technological growth. Utilize the natural skill and curiosity of your sales team to discover where technology fits.

You’ll find that today’s salesperson is savvy in how they interact with technology, provide heightened customer experiences, and work as a team. These factors impact productivity and performance. Consider the needs of your team when you make decisions that affect your dealership. Technology should never be an afterthought. With that said, there is a right way and a wrong way to integrate solutions with your lot. Do your homework and find a technology that is powered by the cleanest data available. This will truly empower your sales staff to play at the top of their game. MAX Digital is changing the way that dealerships do business in the automotive retail industry. Schedule a consultation today and discover how MAX Digital’s solution stack can transform your salespeople into the technology driven mavens you want.