
The Benefit of Continuing the Long Tradition of Community in Automotive

October 6, 2022

Let's face it, in our industry, there can be a lot of big voices all speaking at the same time. Automotive networking events are full of wide shoulders and broad ideas. Despite this, we are a community that builds one another up. No other industry is as united in ideas and progress as ours. And I know, we are a competitive bunch, but how we operate and learn from each other is unique. I think the word progress is an important one to focus on as we have overcome a lot in recent memory.In fact, throughout the years, there have been several challenges that we as a community have had to overcome. I don't say that lightly either. You see, before I got into automotive, I bounced around a few different industries. Each one was unique in its own way. But when I came into the automotive world, I noticed something different. There is a tissue that connects everyone up the ladder. We are all in this for the same reason. And even more, we are all in this together. One of the things that I learned as I grew in experience with MAX Digital is that while we are united as a community, there are different camps of thought. Even as I say that I realize that what's new school or trending today could be out of date tomorrow. So what does that mean? For me, I believe that we need to evolve as individuals and accept the community that we have created. The automotive industry is getting older by the day. And with that comes wisdom. I talk to countless people each week and have learned many valuable lessons from these discussions. Some people lead with their gut, some with their heart, and even others with their head. It takes a mixture of these ingredients to push us forward. And because leaders are needed to shepherd the automotive industry into the next generation, we must understand one another and learn from shared experiences.I've been kicking around some ideas over the last few months about the shape of our community. And as I did, I came to realize that community is the one word that continues to stand out. It doesn't matter what dealership I interact with. Current customer or former customer. What matters is that I'm able to start conversations and provide value in interactions. Community is what separates us from others. Dealerships support the community, the same way that individuals within the dealerships support each other. The automotive industry is abundant with possibilities. There are so many corners for us to turn. So many things for us to discover. As it stands, the divide between franchise dealers and independents is changing. More and more smaller shops are being scooped up. But does that mean anyone is being squeezed out of automotive? No.There are so many directions for us to head. Our community grows and accepts everyone. It doesn't matter what store or brand you work for. You are a part of something big. Transportation will continue to be a basic need for all of us. Cities and infrastructure will evolve and expand. But that just means there will be a greater need for vehicles. And automotive retail will continue to bring quality options and heightened customer experiences to all of those in need.I challenge you to continue to keep community in mind as you work through discussions and deals today. Never turn your back on the opportunity to apply the concept of community that has been built so robustly for our industry to those who are only browsing. Every day, we have the opportunity to make someone's day a little better. An elevated customer experience comes from progress and passion. Both of these traits are buried deep in the automotive industry. Take an opportunity to reach out to your network and continue to build the rich community of quality relationships that makes me proud to work in automotive.