
The Importance of Technology in Providing Elevated Customer Experiences

July 1, 2021

To say competition is high in the auto industry is an understatement. With so many options available, you have to set your dealership apart in new and inventive ways. But getting creative isn’t easy when the lot down the street is doing similar things. So what can set you apart? A superior customer experience. You see, your dealership needs a disruptor, something intangible that makes you stand out from the crowd. Customers want value in everything they do. So, providing a next-level experience through technology is paramount.

Your goal is to attract attention, build loyalty, and give customers what they want. In the end, you create a lifelong relationship between your brand and the customer. Pay attention to the little details and go the extra mile. Employ technologies that put your staff into a position of knowledge. Empower them to be able to go above and beyond by providing your employees with training that directly responds to the customer’s needs. Create instant product experts on any vehicle, even ones outside your brand.

Everyone agrees that customer service needs to be an experience that focuses on the consumer. The majority of customers will naturally lean toward a dealership that provides these enhanced experiences. From the showroom to the service lane, the customer experience must be a critical focus. Putting the customer experience ahead of your sales goals will create a safe environment for consumers while helping to foster a sense of community amongst everyone on your lot.  

How does that happen, exactly? A study conducted by Salesforce reported that 76% of respondents said it’s critical or very important for salespeople to be “focused on helping achieve their needs, not just on making a quick sale.” This is particularly true for the auto retail industry where customers tend to already be skeptical about dealerships as it is. The days of plaid coats are gone. It’s up to you to create touchpoints that resonate with consumers. Build trust with the individual customer and provide transparency into the process. Prove that your priority is to assist them, not simply to make a sale.

Technology is an excellent place to start for this. Especially for your lot, implement technology across the various touchpoints that your customer will be going through. Think of the journey holistically and create moments that enhance the experience. Little things go a long way, so make sure your web properties are streamlined and connected. Everything has to work in harmony. From the ads on your website to your process for trades and appraisals, think customer-centric.

From here, leverage a next-generation solution for a digital showroom to prove to your customers that you are working to guide them, not push them. The key is to nurture the experience and provide resources. A digital showroom is the perfect tool for sales enablement that will help you sell smarter during every customer interaction. And, with your sales team now speaking the customer’s language, you can best translate difficult information into digestible facts.

The customer experience should never be overlooked. With so many technologies available to assist you, now is the time to adopt new processes. Create a roadmap of where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. Fill in the gaps of how you are communicating with your customers now and how they will be interacting with you in the future. Be transparent and never mislead the customer. This journey can often be long and scary. So, it’s your job to create an experience that will be remembered for years to come.

MAX Digital partners with dealerships all around the country to deploy advanced technologies that elevate the customer experience. You need a software partner that can help you write ads that consumers want to read, provide your salespeople with the knowledge needed to properly assist customers as they shop, and develop a process for trades and appraisals that bring transparency and trust to the customer experience. Now is the time to act. Schedule your free consultation today.