
Top 5 Ways to Improve the Customer Experience at your Dealership

March 15, 2022

The customer experience is more important now than ever before. And because we live in an age where your reputation is constantly on the line, you must do as much as possible to positively influence consumer reviews and dealership ratings. As the market slowly rebounds, the impact of an elevated customer experience will prove to be a necessity. You might be asking what your dealership can be doing to improve the consumer’s journey. Well, here are 5 tried and true tips for doing just that.

  1. Make customer experience a team sport

At times, it might seem like your dealership operates in silos. Each department has its own agenda. This can cause chaos and confusion for your customer. Instead, focus on making the customer experience a team sport. No matter who interacts with the customer, bridge the discussions and ensure that each conversation is focused on catering to the consumer’s needs.

  1. Reduce time-related friction

For the automotive retail industry, convenience is king. There is a well-known stigma that buying a car takes all day. Destroy that notion and start saving your customer’s time. Do away with the tedious tasks and automate as much as possible. It’s a surefire way to improve the customer experience.

  1. Leverage your team’s “free time”

We all know that the day of a car salesperson has its ups and downs. When your staff has downtime, use it to help improve their abilities. Teach them something. Train them. Improve their morale. Anything you do to use that free time will ultimately trickle down to the customer and help to improve the overall car buying experience.

  1. Deploy an à la carte method of shopping

Modern consumers have grown accustomed to digital retailing. For the automotive industry, this should come as an opportunity, not a hindrance. To improve the customer experience, offer digital touchpoints that allow the consumer to complete tasks of the car buying process from the comfort of their own home. This will reduce stress and emphasize your ability to provide an enhanced journey.

  1. Exceed customer expectations by learning from them

Customer expectations are always evolving. If you aren’t up on trends, then you are behind in the market. Your goal should be to exceed expectations in order to improve the customer experience. One great way to do this is by keying into the psychology behind consumer buying habits. Learn from how they shop, then leverage this information to build a better customer experience.

Out with the old, in with the new. Transform the way you interact with customers today and give them a better path to purchase. The experience is everything. The greater your dealership performs in this realm, the higher your engagement and retention rate will be. Don’t fool around with this. Reduce as much friction as possible and empower your team to operate for the customer. There are plenty of tools and solutions available. From training your team to be better on your lot to providing customers with an ad writing solution that allows you to provide educational content, MAX Digital is your go-to source for improving the customer experience at your dealership. Schedule your free demo today to learn more.