
Turn Your Digital Touchpoints into an Educational Resource for Customers

March 16, 2022

The modern customer has access to so much information on vehicles. They are educated and savvy, armed with the details needed to make insightful decisions. As a result, it is your job to provide touchpoints for consumers to interact with your brand. Think of these touchpoints as tangible ways for consumers to digest more info about your dealership and inventory. The more you have, the better your digital properties will perform. Customers want to engage. They want to learn as much as possible from you. So, help them out by turning your website into an educational resource hub.

It’s already well known that SEO is king for automotive retail. People are searching. And they are searching for you. Unfortunately, the landscape is competitive. There is no way around that. This just means that you need to bring more to the table. As consumers search, they are wanting answers. The answers they seek might be as simple as inventory availability. It might be the price. They might just be in learning mode. The point is if you aren’t ready to provide the necessary information, someone else will.

Think of your digital properties as if they were a weapon. For it to be effective, you need ammunition. That’s where content comes in. Dealerships need to be as educated and as savvy as the customers they serve. Building out your blog with educational information will help answer a customer’s question before they engage with your team. It provides them with a transparent view of your operations. Honesty and integrity are paramount. So, by providing them that inside view of the industry, your lot, and your people, you are really shining a light onto the path to purchase.

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of your team. Humans enjoy interacting with others. Especially in the automotive industry, these interactions need to be on a personal level as much as possible. Utilize your social media platforms to highlight your people. Then, when the customer hits your showroom, they will be more comfortable after seeing some familiar faces. Data drives decisions, but at the end of the day, people are most comfortable when they are treated like a friend…not just a dollar sign.

Merchandising your inventory is important. But never overlook the actual customer. Deliver a seamless shopping experience that starts before the consumer leaves their house. Provide robust touchpoints of information while transforming your digital properties into educational resources. Marry this with a better way to write your ad descriptions, merchandise your vehicles, and train your employees…and you have a dynamic solution to consumer needs.

You don’t have to pave this road alone. MAX DIgital has the years of experience necessary to elevate your dealership to the next level. As winter winds down, now is the time to forge a new partnership with a provider who truly understands your needs. Get serious about the technologies you use and focus on creating new and better customer experiences. Schedule your demo today!