
Used Car Managers: Unsung Heroes of Digital Retail

November 5, 2020

Being Transparent with Consumers through Merchandising and Inventory Management

Selling cars is about more than just dollar signs. True, you need to keep your bottom line in mind. But for the consumer, purchasing a vehicle is an experience. They are buying more than just a product from you. They are investing their energy, their hard-earned money, and their valuable time. There is no excuse for used car managers not to be prepared to provide the best possible customer experience.

In today’s day and age, inventory management and merchandising are key to digital retailing. And for used car managers to achieve their goals of selling cars, new ways to merchandise products in conjunction with advanced inventory management needs to be considered.

For years, dealers battled the stigma attached to being untrustworthy salespeople. Those days are long gone. Now, used car managers need to be focused on transparent communication with consumers through a variety of avenues. What is said and how it is said needs to evolve hand-in-hand with burgeoning technologies. Used cars can’t be sold the same way they used to. And truth be told, preparations need to be made to pivot on sales techniques and merchandising strategy with little to no notice in the future.

Knowing all the details driving value for consumers is critical. As a result, merchandising is now the foundation of digital retail. Think about that for a moment. Consider how a strategy for merchandising and inventory management impacts the daily business of a used car department. Neglecting to do so creates a gap in competition. To stay relevant in the marketplace, used car managers need accurate and quickly accessible information. Use digital properties as a way to bring the most value to a dealership. Remember that a customer is a visual person. Take advantage of these opportunities and leverage the data from each touchpoint.

Empower both salespeople and customers with all the detailed information on a vehicle. This level of attention to critical factors will entice customers to engage with a dealership’s staff while also breaking down negative motivations to purchase. Transparency is an asset when it comes to digital retailing and proper merchandising. Moving forward, consider the ways that the ideal customer will select a dealership and pick it over the competition. At the end of the day, it is this strategy that will help sell more cars and provide a more robust customer experience.

No one said strong automotive merchandising would be simple. Fortunately, MAX Digital can make it much easier. Our online auto merchandising platform helps enhance online content, create informative ads, and can turn any sales team into experts on every vehicle on the lot. Sign up for a demo and learn how MAX can help used car managers succeed.

For more information on this topic, join Tim Scoutelas, MAX Digital’s Director of Strategic Accounts at Used Car Week where he will share why inventory management is the most important element of your digital marketing strategy and how to improve online merchandising. Claim your free pass now.