
Warning! Your Customers Know More Than Your Salespeople -- Learn How to Level the Playing Field and Turn Your Team into Product Experts

September 15, 2017

Dealerships today face a constant struggle to sell in a digital marketplace that continues to grow. The vast majority of consumers research vehicles online before ever stepping foot inside a dealership. The average consumer conducts 14 hours of online research before they end up purchasing a used car (2016 Auto Trader Study). Is it possible they’re more informed than your salesperson who has 100 cars on the lot? You bet they are, especially since salesperson turnover rate for the automotive industry is a whopping 67 percent.

What does this mean for your sales? It means the second your team says something that doesn’t jive with what the customer “knows,” trust is out the window. That’s when you’re forced to drop price to save the sale. With customers becoming more and more knowledgeable, it is time to reevaluate and adapt your sales processes to make sure you win over today’s very knowledgeable consumer.

MAXDigital SVP of Strategy and Innovation, Patrick McMullen, will outline some very clear ways that you and your sales teams can level the playing field, focusing on three key areas:

  1. Embrace Technology: how to turn sales staff into the product experts they should be (hint: ditch the guess work)
  2. Make the Car the Star: how to implement a new selling strategy that focuses on quality and value behind the price
  3. Build Trust: how to build trust with consumers, so they’ll choose to come to your dealership over all others

It’s time to stop relying on price dropping just to make the sale. To hear more from Patrick about how to “Stop the Drop” and turn your team into product experts and increase profits, attend his Digital Dealer presentation:

Monday, September 18, 2017
1:30 – 2:20 p.m.
Loire Room